Before I tell you of my daily happenings, I remembered something that happened that was pretty funny! On Tuesday, Other Guy and I went into a restaurant to have lunch. After walking all morning, we both had to use the "restroom." I, thanks to reading another blog, knew to ask for the toilet so my response was very clear. Other Guy asked for the restroom and received a strange look. He quickly changed his request to the ask for the toilet or the loo. They directed him. Upon returning, the staff was having a good laugh over it and asked, "what did you call the toilet again?" Other Guy responded, "the restroom." The staff member began laughing and said, "so what do you do in a restroom anyway...take a rest?"
Today was my last day without Other Guy...he is on his way back from Paris as I type. Yipppeeee! Thanks to my friend, Addie, I was lead to a blog of a lady named Jeana. She is in London currently with her four children and her husband. He is here to teach for his company for 7 weeks and they all decided to come along. Well, of course I had to meet her! What are the odds that you come all the way from Kansas to meet a mom from Texas?
We had a really neat day, just chatting about life, kids, London. Her kids were adorable and I loved all the stories of the things they have been able to do while visiting. They were even well versed in the tube/bus maps. What a joy it was to spend time with another American! We did, however, get lost and I think I actually saw the "not so well known" parts of London but it was fine because it kept us out of the rain and hail. It also gave me a lesson on finding bus lines, etc. One of her daughters also told me about a website that gives you the origins of nursery rhymes, most of which originate in England. Go visit here, if you are interested.
Thank you Jeana for your help. I appreciate it and truly enjoyed meeting you.
Upon returning, I decided to have "tea" again in the froo/froo lounge. I had not eaten today with the exception of breakfast. So, I grabbed my book, a diet coke...okay, okay and some treats and enjoyed some quite time in the lounge. Only it wasn't so quite today. There is this guy who has been here since Other Guy arrived. He is ALWAYS in the same cloths...every time we see him. And no, it's not a uniform. Same pants, shirt and tie...they are of a pretty colorful nature so it's easy to tell. I will be honest in saying the guy kinda creeps me out and that is hard for me to admit. I am the person who generally never meets a stranger but today something was just weird.
All of the sudden, he started shouting at the lady who works there. She was in the process of replenishing said treats and he was complaining about the fact that there were no plates. Now the redneck in me didn't notice that fact because hey, there were coffee/tea cup plates and frankly a plate is a plate. It's just a mean to get the food to the table so that I can get it to my mouth. However, this oversight was not lost on him. He was downright horrible to her. And then he went back to pacing like a madman between the computer and the TV.
I could tell that this visibly upset her so I called her over and asked if the gentleman (if you can call him that) was a guest. She said that he is one of the regular guests and stuff of this manner happens all the time. I told her it was uncalled for!
As I left to go up to my room, Blue (as Other Guy calls him) had called a manager in to complain about the timeliness of the plates. That's it...I marched myself down to the front desk, asked for a manager and told him the whole story. I did not want that lovely young lady getting in trouble for something so ridiculous. That guy has got some issues...seriously.
Well, I'm going to get cleaned up and wait for Other Guy. I think we are going to ride the London Eye tonight. I'll let you know more later.
Peace Out.